Welcome to WE NEED BANDS 2.0

A brand new (and free) resource for the Bristol music community!


Explore our free database of venues from the Bristol area, and find the ideal space for your next gig.

Sign up and add your details to our bookings database to be the first to hear about new gig opportunities in Bristol and beyond.


Browse our ever-expanding free database of musicians from the Bristol area - you'll need to request access first.

Claim your venue's page, and list all the relevant information about how you want bands to contact you (no more unwanted phone calls!).


We've been connecting the music industry since 2015, and we're keeping WNB 1.0 live. Head over to our Facebook group and join 1,500 other members from the local music community.

Venues like o2 Academy, The Fleece, The Louisiana and The Thunderbolt post openings at their events so check back regularly.